Industrial grade DLP® projection STAR-07
STAR‑07 is a high performance pattern projector based upon the Texas Instruments DLP micro mirror device and designed to serve in demanding industrial applications. Widely used in multimedia and digital cinema since more than one decade, the well proven DLP technology has become an important tool for industrial solutions as well. The heart of the STAR‑07 projector is a 0.7” DLP chip that consists of an array of 1.024 x 768 mirrors. These bi-stable mirrors flip into opposite tilt positions within microseconds to generate the desired patterns. STAR‑07 provides precise high‑speed control for each individual mirror enabling outstanding flexibility and pattern frame rates of the projection output. The projector is equipped with a high‑power LED light source that is the key for the compact and rugged design of the device.
Typical use cases are machine vision illumination, 3D scanning, industrial exposure, and additive manufacturing. Beyond that, new emerging applications are well supported by an open SDK interface. STAR‑07 comes with two lens options, the standard projection lens with zoom capability and a wide angle lens with fixed focal length.